
Posts Tagged ‘amazon’

Today we welcome author Tracy Sumner who is releasing her backlist on Kindle now!

What are some of the advantages to re-releasing titles from your backlist?

Easy one! Imagine, in the previous world of publishing, these books we loved (and you love them like children when you create them, at least I do), well, these books were sent out in print form…and had about a two-month shelf life, then they died. There were some bookstores that, if you had a good relationship with them, would stock the books longer, etc. However, they just entered this nether region. And only the A-list authors really got a lot of run from their backlist. Think Nora Roberts! 🙂 Now, with the e-publishing revolution – whether an author is with a publisher or not – these books have a chance to gain new readership! I don’t really care about anything but these guys (my books :)) having the chance to be read by someone who will care about the characters for even an hour or two. Preferably on the beach!

What do you legally need to do to ensure you can re-release backlist titles?

Well, I covered my bases very well. I closely reviewed the contracts – and I used an intellectual property lawyer in NYC so that all was laid out appropriately. I have a good relationship with my former publisher – and this is business only.

Do you see this as a trend among authors and, if so, of all or for certain genres?

YES. Perhaps in romance especially, because we are a very loyal genre and devoted to our authors, but why not? It’s a win-win for authors and readers.

Do re-release backlist books usually come out as eBooks?

Mine are. In fact, I have not, as yet, decided on even going the print route. You see, I had a very personal revelation when I received my first Kindle (I killed it and am on the second!) in Sept 2010. I was so into actual books in my hand. I am not an early adopter. And guess what? My first Kindle died in the middle of Julie Anne Long book at the beach this summer. And I finished the entire book on my phone!!!! If this is happening to me – it’s coming. No joke.

What else does it take to successfully re-release a backlist book?

I think you must keep writing. That is the most important element for any writer. I also think social media is crucial (in some manner, we could debate the details for months). So, promotion – which authors were consumed with before ebooks anyway.

How might sales figures differ from an original vs. a re-released book?

Well, I’ve just released my first backlist title about three weeks ago, so I’m really new to this process! But I’ve seen sales figures already (which would be laughable in the old system) and the income is coming directly to me. I have CONTROL. Which we never had before.

In addition to re-releasing backlist titles, do you plan to continue to grow your name by writing new books?

Yes! I’m working on a Victorian paranormal (light paranormal, I call it: psychic) and an anthology that is set to release in April. I also have another anthology with a couple of other authors in 2012, too. No release date yet. Also, working on getting the rest of the backlist out.

What are some tips for increasing backlist sales?

Connect with readers: Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook. The norm. I also am blogging and trying to connect. I love the genre. I’m a HUGE reader, too, so this isn’t terribly difficult.





Tides of Passion: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005WVPFH0

Tides of Love: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0066B1XTY

To Desire a Scoundrel: A Holiday Seduction – hitting Amazon this week!

Tracy’s story telling career began when she picked up a copy of LaVyrle Spencer’s Vows on a college beach trip. A journalism degree and a thousand romance novels later, she decided to try her hand at writing a southern version of the perfect love story. With a great deal of luck and more than a bit of perseverance, she sold her first novel to Kensington Publishing.

When not writing sensual stories featuring complex characters and lush settings, Tracy can be found reading romance, snowboarding, watching college football and figuring out how she can get to 100 countries before she kicks (which is a more difficult endeavor than it used to be with her four-year-old son in tow). She lives in Charlotte, NC, but after spending a few years in “the city”, considers herself a New Yorker at heart.

Tracy has been awarded the National Reader’s Choice, the Write Touch and the Beacon – with finalist nominations in the HOLT Medallion, Heart of Romance, Rising Stars and Reader’s Choice. Her books have been translated into German, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish. She loves hearing from readers about why she tends to pit her hero and heroine against each other and that great novel she simply must order in five seconds on her Kindle.

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Been a few days!

Life was thrown into chaos on Thursday when work went from ‘pick your color’ to ‘BANGBANGBANG’ in less than 24 hours, as our contractor began to replace the siding on our house. In April, an F-0 (what I said) or F-1 (what the contractor said) tornado hit our house. Thankfully we had no structural damage but cosmetically things have looked a bit rough for awhile. Now we near the end of repair work and it’s, well …… loud.

Yesterday, another storm rolled in. It was short but intense and old siding from the in-progress work soon littered our yard. We watched this from the open windows because, well, that was the most entertaining thing we could do with a 2-year old while the power was out. He kept asking us to turn on the lights, and to turn on Mickey, but was pacified and then truly enthralled with his stealthy attempts to stick his head out the window every time I blinked.

Despite the lack of power and the late evening hour I managed to scrawl in my notebook by the dying light from the open window. Another chapter finished, another page complete, and one step closer to finishing the first draft of book two. I’m well over the half-way point now and easily on track to finish (and have it typed) by the end of the month.

In the meantime, Amazon continues to sell Come the Shadows at 99c despite the price update to 2.99 that has already taken effect at Barnes & Noble. Sorry Nook-ers! (Is that right, it sounds far to much like a less savory word…) The issue lies with the Smashword version which has yet to update across it’s premium catalog. Hopefully that will take affect soon and I can stop thinking about pricing and focus on writing.

One last note about things I need to not think about while writing… I sold my first UK copy and didn’t even know it. Smile-worthy =)

One really, truly last note……if you don’t know what Timey-Wimey is, well, you’re missing out. Our power came on in plenty of time last night for our Saturday treat.


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Just a quick post in reminder that today is the last day to get Come the Shadows for 99 cents!

Kindle – Come the Shadows

Nook – Come the Shadows

Smashwords – Come the Shadows

The short story One Final Night (which now has a few more 5-stars on Amazon!) will remain free.

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12749 people have downloaded One Final Night from Amazon, and a few of them have even taken the time to give (very nice) reviews.

I know it’s a drop in the bucket, and some people actually sell that many copies of something in the same amount of time but it’s really gratifying simply to have a small piece of work get in front of a lot of eyes.

And there are many other eyes I can’t even count.

I published the short story on Amazon and Smashwords only, and the later sent it to Barnes & Noble. As a consequence,  I have no idea how many people have downloaded it from B&N and I never will, as far as I can tell.

But a couple of days after it became free the B&N ranking was around 50k. Now it’s 18k. (They don’t separate free/paid). I like that climb.

What does it mean for me?

Honestly, I don’t know. I lost all perspective on numbers somewhere around 5,000.

Has it translated into mega-awesome numbers of people purchasing my discounted Come the Shadows?


Will it?

I don’t know.

I plan to leave the short story free indefinitely, and Come the Shadows discounted through the end of August, when it will then return to $2.99. My hope is simply that more people take the time to read the work and consider the longer piece. They are not in the same genre, but I hope it gives a hint of my writing and show’s the value therein.


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I posted this weekend that I was reducing the price of Come the Shadows for this weekend only.

Well…I changed my mind.

“One Final Night” is now #18 out of all free downloads for Amazon Kindle (and doubled in rank at Barnes & Noble). I’m overjoyed to see that! In addition, it has garnered several reviews and all have been 4 and 5 stars. Wonderful!

In light of that I have decided to hold over the 99c price at least through the end of the month. With so many people learning my name I want to seize every opportunity to ensure the most number of people can pick up the book as well. (It cracked the 10k rank for the first time, hitting as high as 9155ish last night.) I hope a few people can soon take the time to put up reviews there and share their enjoyment with others! Every review (and EVERY reader) is very much appreciated.

My enjoyment is leading to an extensive screenshot collection as I see happy new milestones.

PS: The daily writegoal is holding and I should be more than 1/2 way finished with book two at the end of August.

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After Amazon finally listened and made my short story One Final Night free (totally KO’ing my planned REPORT ME PLEASE post), I decided to drop my book in price for this weekend only.

So for 99c you can it up for both Kindle and Nook for the next 48 hours.

Kindle Link

Nook Link

Monday it returns to $2.99.

As always, reviews on both are VERY welcome – word of mouth, especially on those pages, really helps the writing thrive and reach new fans. Thank you to everyone who picks up the book and I can’t wait to bring you the next one in a few months!


In other news…. it seems Barnes and Noble is now carrying my paperback, and it’s $8.99 – a full $1 cheaper than Amazon. Whoa.

I just write things. That’s all I know.

Edit: Later in the day I figure out why B&N is cheaper and that I get 1/7 the money for those sales. Meh. Right now I’m just happy the book is being read 🙂

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I have decided to make my short story One Final Night FREE on Smashwords. You can download it here and read it in half-an-hour, flat. (Be ready to cry!)

Alisa was the first person to download it and she wrote a wonderful post about it on her blog, Blog The Day Away, where she and three other lovely ladies write about books, TV, and anything else in the media that strikes their fancies. I was going to quote her tweets about it here but her post is a good read.

I will add a permanent link to the sidebar as this post gets pushed down. Check it out, let me know what you think, and be sure to enter the giveaway from my novel Come the Shadows, now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

Edit: Links to download do help 😉

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